22 มกราคม 2025

ข่าวผู้นำ , ข่าวผู้นำออนไลน์ , Leadernewsonline ข่าวผู้นำ ดอทคอม , ข่าวผู้นำ.com , Leadernewsonline

ข่าวผู้นำ , ข่าวผู้นำออนไลน์ , Leadernewsonline ข่าวผู้นำ ดอทคอม , ข่าวผู้นำ.com , Leadernewsonline

Global Youth Leadership Summit 2022

3 min read

Global Youth Leadership Summit 2022  Date: 24th June 2022
Venue: Makkhawan Rangsan Room in Royal Army Club Viphavadee Rangsit Road, Bangkok Thailand

Global Youth Parliament (GYP) in collaboration with UNPKFC , has co-organized Global Youth Leadership Summit 2022 for the purpose of developing the potential of youths to participate in building consciousness with regards to social responsibility along with cultivation of leadership skills.
There are various international youths for more than 83 countries, Government Agencies, International organizations and Private Sectors for more than 250 people who participated in this major event.

Opening Ceremony
Mr. Diwakar Aryal, President of Global Youth Parliament, made an opening speech and announced the objectives of this event. Mr. Diwakar Aryal stated that GYP focus mainly on political leader, entrepreneurship, peace, good governance, democracy and invention. The development of GYP aims at several important levels including national level, regional level and global level for desired topics which require immediate attention along with long-term global interest such as leadership, entrepreneurship, democracy by using good governance, socially responsible trade practices with enthusiasm, citizenship, cultural exchange and sustainable development for peace. In this regards, Thailand has been selected as the location for Global Youth Parliament 2022 because the event has been robustly supported from UNPKFC who has been an alliance in supporting youth continuously. Thus, it could be ensured that Global Youth Leadership Summit 2022 would be successful because of this strong alliance. Furthermore, the appreciation also been bestowed to the world youth representatives from 83 countries, Thai government and private sector for the great collaboration. We do greatly hope for the great support from all sectors in the next opportunity.

Dr. Aphinita Chaichana, UNPKFC President and Co-Partner, expresses gratitude to GYP for having UNPKFC as one of the collaborative supporters in Global Youth Leadership Summit 2022 along with mentioning about supporting international youth cooperation in order to encourage sustainable development in term of strategy and important role of youth, which would be very important in changing the world to be better. Furthermore, we would like to show our appreciation to our partners and essential volunteers such as International Christian Nonthaburi School, ICSN, IDOL EXCHANGE, , Nonthaburi Christian Academy, Katyusha Russian Dance Academy, Baan Thungna Nadthasin Thai School and other involved participants.

The summit has been honored from H.E. Khunying Dr. Kalaya Sophonpanich, Deputy Minister of Education of Thailand, as a chief guest in opening ceremony. H.E. Khunying Dr. Kalaya Sophonpanich stated that the Thai government has praised youth as a storehouse of talent, dynamic and visionary. In addition, GYP is working with many countries by emphasizing on the topic of political leadership, entrepreneurship, peace, good governance, democracy, creative negotiation, policy formulation that encompasses sustainable peace and equal development.

H.E. Khunying Dr. Kalaya Sophonpanich truly believe that the youth of the world must work together to achieve sustainable solutions and sincerely hope that this opportunity would bring together the people from local and abroad for a better future. H.E. Khunying Dr. Kalaya Sophonpanich has requested the attendees to absorb the benefits and beautiful memories in Thailand from this Global Youth Leadership Summit.

Besides from academic activities during morning to evening time, the international youths also have the privileged in listening and exchanging suggestions in various topics with important people who have attended this event.
– HRH. Mom Luang Wanchai Nawarat, Honorary Advisor and Board of Director of UNPKFC
– H.E. Mohamed Amine Ouahid Ambassador of Morocco in Thailand
(Embassy of Morocco in Thailand)

– H.E. Juvencio Martins, Embassy of The Timor-Leste in Thailand
(Embassy of Timor-Leste in Thailand)

– Mr. Koenraad Du Pont, First Secretary of the Embassy of Belgium
(Embassy of Belgium in Thailand)

– Mr. Vladislav Tornikov, Embassy of Russia in Thailand
(Embassy of Russia in Thailand)

– Ms. Suzilah Mohd Sidek, Embassy of Malaysia in Thailand
(Embassy of Malaysia in Thailand)

Furthermore, there are many important government figures, private sectors, celebrities, artists and Miss Universe from both Thailand and aboard who have intensely attended this event.
In the same evening, there has been an impressive award ceremony for youth leaders and famous leaders in each field who have outstanding achievements which are being recognized internationally.


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